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Legislators commonly blame others for gridlock. We posit that legislators may engage in this type of rhetoric to minimize the individual reputational risks associated with legislative inaction or to boost the relative standing of their party. In a series of six survey experiments, we find that blaming others for inaction undermines voters’ evaluations of individual legislators who engage in this rhetorical strategy. This effect is particularly pronounced among out-partisans and independents. However, blaming rhetoric can also enhance the standing of the blamer’s party relative to the opposing party across all groups (including out-partisans), in large part by undermining the reputations of these other actors. Ultimately, we show that when an individual legislator engages in blaming rhetoric, the immediate net electoral effects are null. This suggests that coordinated efforts by a party to blame opponents may improve the party’s relative standing, while imposing few costs on those engaged in blaming.  相似文献   
The paper examines how the tiny ethno-cultural group of Setos constructs its identity in the multicultural context. The study examines the validity of three acculturation models and tests earlier findings on the relationship between identity and well-being. The results suggest that Setos have clearly adopted a multicultural identity strategy while not merging different identities, and that they have managed to separate the material well-being from the pride of their identity. Despite its small size and peripheral location, the Setos' way to preserve their identity in a constantly changing context is an interesting lesson for other indigenous groups, and also for bigger neighbors.  相似文献   
Different from the perspective of traditional national security, human security is an essential component of non-traditional security. Human security is influenced by multi-dimensional factors. Human security will be threatened if one or more of these dimensional factors get twisted. Such threats, once accumulated to a certain level, may trigger a confl ict. While some factors may have a low correlation with confl ict, some other factors may have a multiplying effect in triggering the confl ict. Further, confl ict may be triggered by a single factor or multiple factors. Poor governance may lead to escalation of confl icts. Deep understanding of triggering effects and their correlation with confl icts is essential to addressing the root causes and the management of conflicts effectively. Concepts of human security, state responsibility of protection and neo-interventionism have been developed in succession. Though the people-centered security framework draws global attention, it should be recognized that there is no international consensus on an optimal type of governance. However, according to the Charter of the United Nations, the primary responsibilities of human security protection should be rested on the government of a state. The principle of sovereignty remains the fundamental principle of international relations, which should be the guiding principle for addressing human security issues.  相似文献   
随着网络空间的迅速扩张及其对社会各领域的全面渗透,网络空间不断增长的财富、战略价值以及世界经济社会运行对网络空间的深度依赖,使网络空间整体安全问题的重要性日益凸显,网络安全已成为国际社会面临的又一全球性公共问题。网络安全问题虽然属于国家安全范畴内的非传统安全领域,但国家对于安全的偏好没有改变,对安全追求的逻辑路径依旧。从理论的角度看,由于体系压力以及国家对于安全的追求,国家会选择制衡的战略,但在现实中,制衡经常缺位或迟到。受到非传统安全环境影响,地缘战略中分而治之、领土补偿、加强军备、联盟以及平衡手的存在等制衡方式和作用、意义同时发生了变化。细分到网络安全领域,沟通机制的不同、威慑效果不同、行为体的多样、行为判断的困难等特殊性,导致在网络安全领域,国家选择追随或合作将成为更优选择。  相似文献   
Scholars concerned with the formation of states, specifically the relationship between state formation and war, hold one of two positions. Some agree with Charles Tilly’s historiological conclusion that war is decisive for the establishment of stateness and specify key concepts, in order to explain presumed discrepancies between past and present. Others point towards the international sphere in its current form and advocate a ‘war breaks states’ perspective. This paper argues that both standpoints neglect the ‘sub-national’ level. While proponents of the ‘war breaks states’ thesis are missing para-sovereign zones of rule, supporters of the ‘war makes states’ approach take a juridical view of statehood and focus on ‘state strength’. The failed states paradigm guiding contemporary security and development policy hinders an adequate analysis of the actual situation on the ground. Discussing the shortcomings of failed states approaches and state formation theorising, the paper proposes a conceptualisation in terms of socio-political variation instead of a mere dichotomisation of order. Some conclusive questions are raised, indicating future research directions linked to the historical sociology of state formation.  相似文献   
Android operating system has the highest market share in 2014; making it the most widely used mobile operating system in the world. This fact makes Android users the biggest target group for malware developers. Trend analyses show large increase in mobile malware targeting the Android platform. Android's security mechanism is based on an instrument that informs users about which permissions the application needs to be granted before installing them. This permission system provides an overview of the application and may help gain awareness about the risks. However, we do not have enough information to conclude that standard users read or digital investigators understand these permissions and their implications. Digital investigators need to be on the alert for the presence of malware when examining Android devices, and can benefit from supporting tools that help them understand the capabilities of such malicious code. This paper presents a permission-based Android malware detection system, APK Auditor that uses static analysis to characterize and classify Android applications as benign or malicious. APK Auditor consists of three components: (1) A signature database to store extracted information about applications and analysis results, (2) an Android client which is used by end-users to grant application analysis requests, and (3) a central server responsible for communicating with both signature database and smartphone client and managing whole analysis process. To test system performance, 8762 applications in total, 1853 benign applications from Google's Play Store and 6909 malicious applications from different sources were collected and analyzed by the system developed. The results show that APK Auditor is able to detect most well-known malwares and highlights the ones with a potential in approximately 88% accuracy with a 0.925 specificity.  相似文献   
砂拉越位于婆罗洲,原为文莱属地,1841年白人拉惹政权建立后,大批华人在其招垦下移入砂拉越。在华文教育萌芽的初期,白人拉惹对其取自由放任的态度,直至20世纪20年代,因华人社会中的政治运动及海外华侨民族主义在各个华文学校的发展,才颁布学校注册法令,开始干涉砂拉越地区的华文教育。二战后,白人拉惹将砂拉越让渡给英国,新成立的殖民地政府急于统合境内各族群对砂拉越的认同,遂推动以英语为教学媒介语的国家教育制度,迫使砂拉越华文中等学校在改制成以英语授课的学校或独立中学之间做出选择。为保存族群母语教育,为华族子弟接受母语教育提供机会,在古晋地区创立的中华第一中学,决定成为一间华文独立中学。这间华文独立中学至今仍有千名以上学生,其校园中充满华族文化气息。本文对古晋中华第一中学的创立、发展、经营作一个案研究,期盼对吾人进一步了解战后砂拉越华族社会族群语言的维护及文化的传承有所助益。  相似文献   
党员身份是党员内化党章、准则、政治信念和价值系统等为自我思想体系并进行自我认知和确认的独特标识,是新时期对中国特色社会主义事业实现主体的事实或理论概括,身份管理是其力量生成和团结的思想和观念基础。自从中国共产党成立以来,党员身份从起初的信念约束状态到阶级属性再到政治身份管理过程,呈现出不同阶段自我管理的具体形式。从主体意识、现实经验来看,新时代中国特色社会主义事业主体沿着"我是共产党员、真正懂得中国特色社会主义思想的共产党员、正确对待中国特色社会主义实践的共产党员"等路径形成和发展身份认同,是团结一切力量和保证"党的在场"的关键所在,对于实现"第二个百年"奋斗目标具有重大理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   
《1848年至1850年的法兰西阶级斗争》和《路易·波拿巴的雾月十八日》不仅被阐释为政治学著作和历史学著作,而且是马克思把唯物史观的一般规律具体化到政治哲学领域中的典范之作,特别是其对当时法国政治事件中“活生生的时事”的内涵和外在表现深入细致地剖析,是实现了唯物史观的基本理论与社会现实之政治事件相统一的哲学著作。对这两个文献的阐释不仅需要从政治维度和历史维度上来把握,还需要从哲学维度上更深层次地把握其内涵。立足于唯物史观,马克思从生产力和生产方式之关系层面分析政治历史事件背后的深层结构与外在表征相统一的“活生生的时事”,既展现出历史发展背后起决定作用的物质生活条件,又看到对历史具有加速或延迟作用的历史情势和偶然等诸多因素。因此,马克思的唯物史观与唯物辩证法在具体的政治实践领域中实现了双重统一,对进一步发展当代政治哲学具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   
新就业形态劳动者的劳动权益保障问题已成为政府和社会公众密切关注的重要问题。新就业形 态劳动者的劳动权益包括劳动就业权、劳动报酬权、劳动条件权和劳动救济权 4 类,并可以细分为 13 项权利。 本研究以外卖骑手为代表,进一步分析了新就业形态劳动者劳动就业权、劳动报酬权和劳动条件权中的社会保 障权的现状。研究发现,新就业形态劳动者的劳动就业权、劳动报酬权和社会保障权相比该群体劳动者的平均 情况都得到了改善。研究认为提升新就业形态劳动者的劳动权益保障水平需要更复杂的策略行动,包括继续发 挥好市场作用、处理好短期与长期的关系,以及政府与平台企业协同治理等。  相似文献   
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